DMU Scholarships

For attracting more international students to study in DMU, the DMU Scholarships for Excellent International Students had been established to sponsor the international students who study in DMU. The detailed information of the scholarships is as followed:

 Category of Scholarship
Excellent New Students Award (including new language students, new preparatory students, new undergraduates 

and masters students), Excellent Undergraduates Award, Excellent Masters Degree Students Award, 

Good Progress Award and Excellent Graduates Award.

 Values of Scholarship
Excellent New Students Award: 2,000RMB 
Excellent Language Students Award: 2,000RMB 
Excellent Undergraduates Award: up to 8,000RMB
Excellent Masters Degree Students Award: up to 10,000RMB
Good Progress Award: 1,000RMB 
Excellent Graduates Award: up to 40,000RMB

 Rewarding form
The winners can enjoy payment discount in the next study term at DMU, even for different learning programs.

 Application & Selection Period
May (in Spring semester) and November (in Autumn semester). 

 Application Qualification
1. Complying with Chinese laws and regulations and DMU discipline.                         
2. Respecting the customs of Chinese people, maintaining friendship among peoples.      

3. Respecting teachers and uniting fellow students with good conduct.
4. Excellent academic performance, good attendance, and good daily behavior.                

5.Having participated in at least one activity or contest of university-level or above organized by DMU; students who actively participated in activities or contests on/off campus 

and achieved good results or made great contributions to school would be priorities among all the applicants. 

 Way to contact
Student Affairs Office of International Education College, Dalian Maritime University
Tel/Fax: 86-411-84723025